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HEAL (Healthy Environment And Lifestyle)

The Inspiration Hub will host talks, workshops, demos, film screenings and exhibits

that promote a healthy environment and lifestyle. This becomes a platform for the

community to begin learning new ways to live a lifestyle that holds the wellbeing of

people and planet at the forefront. Inviting conversation about the many creative

and innovative healing solutions already available to us.

Bringing people together in a relaxed and welcoming space, where we can explore

ideas and collaborate on viable and practical ways to bring them to

life. Learning how to experience the benefits and rewards of a healthy environment

and lifestyle, empowers people to embrace life in a more enjoyable and fulfilling way.

This is the purpose of HEAL.

Meet Dandy as she discusses Holistic Healing with Richard Vobes, 'The Bald Explorer.' 


Wellbeing in Nature

Why begin with wellbeing?

How are we going to build a new world when we have no energy within?

This is why we begin with wellbeing, so that we can access the energy that is within us and focus that energy into an idea and then organise ourselves into practical action. When we are all feeling well and are aligned with our intentions, then we can focus that energy into successful physical manifestation.

Life is a rollercoaster ride, that takes us on all sorts of twists and turns. At times we are exhilarated and at other times we are held waiting in anticipation for the next turn. Life is a journey of self-discovery and at the HEAL Centre, we aim to explore the many ways to reconnect with our hearts and return to our authentic and true selves.


At the core of wellbeing is a remembering, a returning to your heart through your own healing journey. If you feel well, then you are unlimited and we are only limited by our own limitations. Connecting to Nature helps us to reconnect with our natural state of being, and come into the present moment. This helps us to overcome our minds and move away from our ego selves to find our true selves.

Individually, we can begin our own journey of awakening and together, we can harness the natural energy flow that is within us and become motivated and energised to take on the task of building a new world for ourselves and future generations.

The HEAL Centre is where we focus on the holistic wellbeing of the community. We will be running workshops and day retreats to share the wisdom and teachings of many great teachers and to offer practical and fun ways to return to a state of wellbeing. Placing the Inspiration Hub in a beautiful natural environment is part of the recipe for healing as we remember we are part of Nature and by returning, we come home to our inner power.

'Shamanism reveals that we are part of Nature 

and one with all of life.

It is understood that in the shaman's worlds everything in existence has a spirit

and is alive, and that the spiritual aspects of all of life are interconnected through what is

often called the web of life. Since we are part of Nature, Nature itself becomes a helping

spirit that has much to share with us about how to bring our

lives back into harmony and balance.'

Sandra Ingerman

Here are some of the HEAL workshops we will be running at the HEAL Centre. For more information please visit

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CHI-Community Health Initiatives is a project connected to the HEAL anchor of the Inspiration Hub.

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